Important Up Date-Track Events

18 Mar 2020 by Ray Cowie


Unfortunately due to the ongoing corona virus situation IKC has been forced to postpone our next club day on the 4th April. Due to the sheer size of our club days it runs to much of a risk to continue but hopefully we can get back to racing in May. We are not canceling everything till June we are simply going to watch each day and as soon as possible we will be racing.

We will continue to have track open for practice but have capped numbers to 75 drivers at one time with one pit crew per day. It is up to you as the member to ring Maree Griffin on 0491 202 982 and check with her how numbers are looking if heading out a bit later in the day. There shouldn’t be an issue but we have no idea how everyone is going to handle the next few months so we have to set some perimeters.

This isn’t how IKC was planning our club day racing this year and we sincerely apologise for the inconvenience. We have been working non stop behind the scenes in the past week but to no avail. We will keep you all posted every few days on any changes as they come to hand. Also thanks to KA for there consistent communication throughout these past few days in helping in every way they can.


Scott Howard


Ipswich kart club

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